Manpreet SinghException Handling in Spring: Using ControllerAdvice Annotation and ResponseBodyAdviceIn a Spring application, exceptions can occur at various levels, such as service, repository, or controller. Handling exceptions…Mar 31, 2023Mar 31, 2023
Manpreet SinghCustomizing Data Binding in Spring Controllers with @InitBinder AnnotationIn Spring MVC, data binding is the process of converting HTTP request parameters into Java objects and vice versa. This process is…Apr 3, 2023Apr 3, 2023
Manpreet SinghUnderstanding Spring IOC and Dependency Injection: Exploring the DifferenceIn the world of software development, Spring IOC (Inversion of Control) and Dependency Injection are two concepts that often go…Apr 10, 2023Apr 10, 2023
Manpreet SinghIntroductiReactive Programming in JavaReactive programming is a programming paradigm that is focused on asynchronous data streams and the propagation of changes through those…Apr 23, 2023Apr 23, 2023
Manpreet SinghGenerating SQL Queries using OpenAI GPT-3 API with JavaSQL generation using OpenAI APIs is a powerful technique that allows developers to easily convert natural language sentences into SQL…Jan 23, 20231Jan 23, 20231
Manpreet SinghResponse Handling in Spring with ResponseBodyAdviceWhen building web applications with the Spring Framework, it’s common to need to modify the response sent back to the client. Spring…Mar 6, 2023Mar 6, 2023
Manpreet SinghMastering Regular Expressions in JavaRegular expressions, also known as regex, are a powerful tool for manipulating strings in Java. They allow you to search for specific…Jan 12, 2023Jan 12, 2023
Manpreet SinghSAP Hybris Commerce: Integration with Kafka brokerSAP Hybris Commerce provides an eventing framework OOTB that you can customize as per your needs to publish and capture events within…May 21, 20223May 21, 20223
Manpreet SinghSpring-Kafka: Create a spring-boot application to test Kafka brokerIn this article, we will use ‘Kafka on docker’ that we installed earlier in another article below.Apr 18, 2022Apr 18, 2022
Manpreet SinghSetup a Kafka broker on DockerAs you might know that Apache Kafka is a distributed event store and stream-processing platform. You can use it as a message broker based…Apr 18, 2022Apr 18, 2022
Manpreet SinghJava Collections: Why you should use Iterator interface?Whether you are using a List or a Set or any other collection type, there are different ways to iterate over such collections. But each has…Mar 30, 2022Mar 30, 2022
Manpreet SinghMagic of Lambok in Java programmingJava has been one of the most popular programming languages for the past few decades and Java programmers have always been in huge demand…Mar 21, 20222Mar 21, 20222